Creative Eve

We have just completed week 5 of this amazing creative course with the Eve’s Space group at Create. The art work looks phenomenal! The group are enjoying it so much there are a further two sessions planned to add to/ put some finishing touches to their work! Some comments from the group so far have been:
“I feel I have moved on. It’s good to be with my mum. I’ve stuck at it and normally don’t stick to things!”
“I now feel comfortable and content with myself. It’s been like therapy and made me feel better about myself. I am hoping to do more creative stuff in the future.”
“I am happy I have got so far in a short space of time …. I would like to carry on …. I am now drawing at home to do things in the future.”
Please continue to keep the group in your prayers. It has been such a blessing to see how they have gelled together as a group and grown in their confidence and abilities individually.
The exhibition launch of the groups work is at Bolton Library on the 7th August from 10am to 2pm. Please save this date in your diaries. More information to follow, watch this space!